
Reflex arena commands
Reflex arena commands

reflex arena commands
  1. #Reflex arena commands full
  2. #Reflex arena commands plus

The Repeating Cannon, Laser Carbine and Type-7 are your go to for him.

reflex arena commands

Your biggest threat is obviously the Riot Armor as it's Minigun and Shield can dish out heavy damage and soak up yours respectively.

reflex arena commands

This wave is fairly small, with only a Heavy Riot Armor, An Elite and a Laser Elite. The next supply drop will deploy an MP-50 Repeating Cannon and two grenades Among the usual armor, medkit and boosters. Shortly after the REV6 spawns, a Helicopter carrying the two Laser Elites will hover over and deploy the two, make sure to get them so they don't cause issues while you deal with the Powered Armor. Land as many shots as you can (use slowmo to help with the timing as the REV6 is usually on the move.) and finish it off with the Penetrator. If you have the Grenade Launcher you acquired from the Heavy earlier, use it to soften up the robot. This wave contains an REV6 Powered Armor, as well as two laser Elites, one with the Laser Carbine and the other with the VES Advanced Rifle. Grab the pistols if you want to as it's your only chance to gain extra ammo for them for the remainder of the level. Grab the next supply drop, there are also two proximity mines and two pistols with the drop. Make sure to collect the Penetrator ammo as it will be necessary later on. If you still have the ASP Rifle, you can pick him off so long as you're careful about the other threats stated in the Wave Details. The Elite obviously needs to be dealt with as his railgun will kill you effortlessly by removing large chunks of your health and armor. The biggest threats in the 3rd wave are two Desert Soldiers armed with HV Penetrators and An Elite soldier armed with the Type-7 Particle Weapon. The second supply drop contains two Deployable Turrets among other health items and armor. Another Desert Soldier will have a VK-12 shotgun too, make sure to not get close to him. Use either of the two and take him out, use Slow-Mo to dodge his grenades easier and be mindful of the splash damage. The Urban's ASP Rifle and Desert Soldier's Penetrator will be incredibly helpful against the Heavy Armor for later. A helicopter will eventually fly above and drop off an SMG-wielding soldier. Avoid the Heavy and take out everything else or else they'll get in the way of you attacking the heavy armor. The second wave is much harder than the first as you have to contend with a grenade launcher wielding Heavy Armor, an Urban Soldier with the ASP Rifle and a Desert Soldier with the HV Penetrator among other things. Grab everything you need from the drop and get ready for the next wave. The wave has ended when the Supply plane has flown above. Shortly after the first squad of three hop down in front, the other squad of three will spawn and hop down on the left side of the arena. Be mindful that your Slow-Mo starts empty so you may only get to one of them initially. Use their animations for landing to your advantage and utilize Slow-Mo. Try to nail them right as they're hoping down or else you may not be able to grab the shotgun if it lands on the roof. Two Recons are going to be armed with shotguns and are your biggest threat for the wave.

#Reflex arena commands plus

Five Replica Recon soldiers (one of the weakest in the game besides Replica Snipers) plus one Replica Fatigue. The entire level takes place in one giant Arena (hence the name of the mission) and no pre-placed pickups are in the map. You will have to rely on the enemy weapons a lot as the only weapons besides throwables to ever be dropped via Supply Drops are one Repeating Cannon after Wave 5 and AT-14 Pistols before Wave 4, everything else will have to be acquired via Replica soldiers. It is extremely important you use slow-motion as there is very little ammo in this mission.

#Reflex arena commands full

You start this level with dual pistols, three Medkits, 1 Frag Grenade and full armor. IMPORTANT: There are NO Checkpoints or saving in this mission, dying will put you back at the start! Perseus Mandate, and is therefore written like a guide. This article is about a walkthrough from F.E.A.R.

Reflex arena commands